Thursday, December 7, 2023

Review: Be the Serpent (October Daye Book 16) by Seanan McGuire

About the Book
October Daye is finally something she never expected to be: married. All the trials and turmoils and terrors of a hero’s life have done very little to prepare her for the expectation that she will actually share her life with someone else, the good parts and the bad ones alike, not just allow them to dabble around the edges in the things she wants to share. But with an official break from hero duties from the Queen in the Mists, and her family wholly on board with this new version of “normal,” she’s doing her best to adjust.

It isn’t always easy, but she’s a hero, right? She’s done harder.

Until an old friend and ally turns out to have been an enemy in disguise for this entire time, and October’s brief respite turns into a battle for her life, her community, and everything she has ever believed to be true.

The debts of the Broken Ride are coming due, and whether she incurred them or not, she’s going to be the one who has to pay.


Sixteen books into the series, and it's still good. In fact, it just keeps getting better. This book was filled with reveals. BIG ones. Mind-blowing ones. Ones that will change everything.

Things were going a little too well for Toby, so I just knew something bad was going to happen. That's just the way it seems to go for her. But, wow, I didn't expect it to be that bad!

I'm always amazed by the new ways Toby finds to put herself in danger. Her brashness and lack of self-preservation are astounding sometimes. There are times when I just have to laugh and be shocked that she's still breathing, because, my goodness, sometimes she has no sense, lol. It always makes for an entertaining read, though.

Despite the fact that this ends on the mother of all cliffhangers, this was a stellar read and, not only one of the best books in the series, one of my favorites I've read this year. If you're a fan of urban fantasy and haven't started this series, what are you waiting for? Run and grab a copy of book one and I promise you'll be hooked.

NOTE: This book contains some strong language.



  1. I can't believe this series is at 16 books! My sister really enjoys these books, too. They do sound like a lot of fun. :D

    1. They're the best! I'm actually two books behind, so I'm really hoping the library gets them. :)
