Thursday, December 12, 2019

12 Days of Fantasy for Christmas Grand Finale

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

We hope you enjoyed getting a glimpse into these fantasy books and grabbed some for yourself or as gifts for other fantasy lovers! If you missed any of the stops, you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below. And don't forget to enter the awesome giveaway...

December 1st: Launch

December 2nd: Rebecca Belliston - Heart of Red, Blood of Blue

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Snippet from the Excerpt (find the full post here):

The blood.

How I wish I could forget the blood.

Or the way Jerrik looked up at me, so betrayed. As if I had killed him. As if we had attacked first.

I know now that the betrothal ceremony had been a ruse, a trap to lure us to Kronga under the guise of peace. But Jerrik had not anticipated his father’s treachery any more than we had. Had my own father not reacted so quickly, I would not be alive today.

December 3rd: Morgan L. Busse - Flight of the Raven

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Snippet from the Excerpt (find the full post here):

Damien. Her husband.

Selene kept her eyes ahead, but every part of her could sense him behind her. The moment the monk had finished the rites, and warmth had spread between their hands, she knew him. Most of it she had already discovered during her dreamwalks, but seeing his memories and having that knowledge imparted into her innermost mind and soul were two completely things. And just as much as she now knew him, he knew her as well. He knew who she really was. He knew what she could do.

He knew her gift.

December 4thJes Drew - Tales of Parallel Worlds

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Snippet from the Excerpt (find the full post here):

I wrap my arms around my masked rescuer, not sure whether to feel relieved at not having to travel through those woods alone and on foot, or worried that this strange man might be abducting me.

“My father is a powerful man," I whisper into the man's shoulder.

“I am well aware of that.”

With relief, I note that we are retracing the same path as before. “What is your name anyway, good sir?”

He seems to consider this for a long moment, and even glances down at his steed as if the beautiful Arabian might somehow remind him of his name.

December 5th: Ronie Kendig - Brand of Light

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Snippet from the Excerpt (find the full post here):

“You are sure of this, my lady? It’s Myles.” Weighted eyes drove home the point. “Our fiercest.”

“It was a fair draw.”

“Aye, but—”

“Let it not be said that I, the lone female in the training yard, whinged.” Not when she had pleaded so hard for training. As it was, she was thankful Uncle Rufio had left express word before he left for the middle lands that she should be allowed to continue her levels.

December 6th: Alisha Klapheke - Fate of Dragons

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Snippet from the Excerpt (find the full post here):

There, on the ground, was a shape that was not rock or smoke or golden earthblood.

Or dragon.

Her lips parted in a silent gasp.

Two arms. Two legs. Supple flesh instead of scales.

Crouching by the body, Vahly moved a curtain of obsidian hair away from the creature’s face.

A pointed ear.

December 7th: Jessica Leake - Through the White Wood

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Snippet from the Excerpt (find the full post here):

Above me, my golden eagle let out a soft cry, and as I glanced up at her, my spirits lifted ever so slightly. Elation, I’d named her long ago, because she never failed to bring me joy. Now she followed the sleigh from the sky, and I suspected she was my only remaining friend and ally.

After the horror of what had happened in the village, it was almost difficult to be afraid of what awaited me with the prince. Almost, but not quite. Rumors hammered at my thoughts as the sleigh traveled farther and farther into the deep woods that surrounded my home.

People disappearing into his castle, never to return. People with abilities beyond human limits. People like me.

December 8th: Belle Malory - Electric Skies

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Snippet from the Excerpt (find the full post here):

A thunderous voice boomed from behind. “ASSASSIN WITCH! You dare come into this camp!”

She jumped, using the water in her own body to propel her faster, trying to put some distance between her and that blasted fire. It didn’t work. She couldn’t gain much ground, and whoever was after her was coming way too fast. The scalding heat was at her heels, blazing across her back. Sweat poured from her body. She cried out from the pain. God, it felt like she was melting.

The ground shook, and she tripped. As she fell, time slowed.

December 9th: Melissa McShane - Burning Bright

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Snippet from the Excerpt (find the full post here):

Elinor dreamed of fire, the unseen ground beneath her burning and the air white with heat, and woke to find her dream a reality. The walls of her bedroom were ablaze, the varnished floorboards slightly less so, and fire rolled across the ceiling in golden waves. Heat struck at her with an intensity that dried her nostrils and mouth and made her eyes feel roasted.

December 10th: Jennifer Silverwood - Blackbriar Cove

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Snippet from the Excerpt (find the full post here):

Faye fell back into the mud as her enemy’s memories released her. For a long breathless moment, she listened to the patter of rain in the forest and breathed with her own skin. Not the echo of a life already snuffed out, fading into the earth.

Jo had always hated when Faye used her gifts like this. So Faye only used her otherness when her twin wasn’t around.

What Joey don’t know… well, her sister had James now. As for Faye?

December 11th: Melissa Wright - Shadow and Stone

Follow the Author: Website | Blog | Goodreads | BookBub | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram
Find the Book: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Snippet from the Excerpt (find the full post here):

Thea had never seen so much variety in her life, let alone a single day. She stared, in awe of variations she’d not known possible. Red honeysuckle, freesia buds as big as her fist, leaves with white-tipped spikes, and thorns that dripped a black-violet slime. Her fingers drew in reflexively; Thea remembered the warnings she’d heard when she’d been young. The light elves did not just possess the capacity for beauty. They created poisons as well.

She glanced up from the splendor, and found Aster watching her, smile thin. Thea had a momentary image of Isa—the young halfling girl who was strong and wild enough to keep the humans at bay—and made a vow to remember something else.

Don’t underestimate anyone.

Blogs That Participated

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive an Amazon Fire Tablet and a $50 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally (as long as winner is eligible to receive prizes)
Ends December 16, 2019

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