Sunday, July 14, 2024

Review: City of Serpents (The Secrets of Ormdale #4) by Christina Baehr

About the Book
Edith is ready for the mad scientist and the snake-infested laboratory, but is she ready to admit she needs a little help from her friends?

Edith is convinced that Janushek’s former employer, the mysterious Doctor Farley, holds the key to an antidote for dragon venom—her only hope to free the man she loves. Her ruse to obtain it leads her to London’s shadowy East End and a plot as sensational as one of her own detective novels.

As Edith goes deeper into a city far more serpentine than she ever dreamed, she begins to question what Farley is really searching for…and if the cost to save Simon might be more than she can pay.

Book 4 of The Secrets of Ormdale takes Edith from the heights of London society to its darkest slums, where unexpected dragons follow and her survival lies not in her hands, but in the hands of her friends.


This was another fantastic addition to the series. I don’t know how the author does it, but each book just keeps getting better and better.

This story takes place mostly in London, which was a fun change of scenery. London was full of mystery and danger, but hope and light too. There was a mad scientist, new dragons, new characters, and new family members who were just as delightful as the ones we’ve already met.

I loved seeing the growth Edith has experienced. You can see a big difference from the first book to this one. I also loved that we learned a little bit more about Janushek. He’s such an intriguing character. I wouldn’t mind a whole new series just about him.

This book was a lot of fun and made me laugh out loud several times, but it also shed light on some more serious topics, which I really appreciated.

I can’t say enough good things about this book or this series. If you’re a fan of historical fantasy, don’t hesitate! You’ll love it!

I received a copy of this book and voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and comments are my honest opinion.



  1. I always love that London setting. And with a mad scientist and new dragons this does sound like a fun one.

    1. This is such a great series! I'm loving the adventure of it all. Plus, all the dragons are so cool! :)
