Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday: Meddling with Mistletoe by Liz Johnson

Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights and discusses the books we're excited about that we've yet to read. Generally, they're books that are yet to be released. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

This week I'm featuring Meddling with Mistletoe by Liz Johnson releasing September 3.

About the Book
Whitney Garrett is preparing to enter culinary school in the spring, but first she has to sell enough homemade pies at the local Christmas markets to pay her tuition. When her oven breaks, Whitney asks Marie Sloan, proprietor of the Red Door Inn, if she can use the inn's kitchen to keep up with her orders. Marie agrees, with a catch: Whitney has to watch the three Sloan children and cook breakfasts for the Red Door in return.

The inn is busy with holiday guests--including Aretha Franklin Sloan's perpetually single nephew Daniel and Ruby, a businesswoman in town to purchase Aretha's antiques store. Intent on making a Christmas match for the two, Aretha enlists Whitney's help in her schemes. But the deeper Whitney gets, the more she realizes that Ruby is definitely not the right woman for Daniel--and the more she thinks that she just might be his perfect match.

Cuddle up for some warm holiday cheer as New York Times bestselling author Liz Johnson explores the unforeseen consequences of meddling with mistletoe when love is on the line.

What upcoming release are you eagerly awaiting?


  1. I'm ready for some holiday themed reads too, especially with this brutal heat we've had this summer. I'm also ready for hurricane season to be done with, so escape into a winter wonderland sounds ideal!

    1. I'm sick of the heat too! I'm so ready for Christmastime. And I really hope there aren't anymore bad hurricanes this season.

  2. This looks very cute...though it's hard to believe Christmas stories are already coming out! Where has this year gone? ;D

    1. Right? How is it already the middle of July? Time is flying by!

  3. I've been creating a list of Christmas books I'm interested in and this one is going on it for sure!

    1. Awesome! It looks like there are a lot of good Christmas books coming out this year. :)

  4. Hope you enjoy it! My CWW: https://moretoodiscover.blogspot.com/2024/07/cant-wait-wednesday-firestorm-and.html

  5. If I was enduring the mind-numbing heat you've been coping with - I'd be reading winter holiday books, too!! I hope you love this one:).

    1. Thank you! I've lived in Texas my whole life, so you'd think I'd be used to this heat by now, but nope. I don't know if I'll ever get used to it, lol. :D
