Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday: Running into Forever by Jennifer Rodewald

Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights and discusses the books we're excited about that we've yet to read. Generally, they're books that are yet to be released. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

This week I'm featuring Running into Forever  by Jennifer Rodewald releasing October 9.

About the Book
Wanted: Horsewoman, skilled at driving. Must be willing to live on a remote island . . . and marry her boss. Both are non-negotiable.

Taylor Everest loves his home on Sanctuary Island and running his family’s carriage business for the historic Shoreline Palace. But his standoffish personality has the local resort questioning the renewal of his contract. Not to mention the contract also has an old, pesky clause Taylor had thus far ignored: He’s supposed to be married by age 30. He just turned 31.

Not willing to let go of his family’s legacy, Taylor puts out a bold advertisement.

Sonora Hillary is good with horses and even better with people. Unfortunately, her sunshine personality wasn’t enough for Donovan Arlington—the man she’s dated for two years. When Donovan announces his engagement after a mere two weeks of dating another woman, Sonora loses her level thinking. She answers a bizarre ad, agreeing to move and to marry the stiff and grumpy man she’s to work for. At least it’s only temporary. And surely living so far away—not to mention being married—will help her put away the ache of Donovan’s betrayal.

After the tourist season, Taylor and Sonora will both have what they wanted, and with a clean annulment, they’ll go their separate ways . . . unless God can change their hearts and minds.
Welcome to the shores of Sanctuary Island, where six bestselling authors of Christian romance bring you stories of love and redemption. From tender romance to enduring faith, each standalone novel in this series promises unforgettable characters and heartwarming small town charm.

What upcoming release are you eagerly awaiting? 


  1. What a fun setting. Thanks for sharing this one!

  2. I bet this will be good! An unexpected way to find love. I hope you enjoy Running into Forever when you read it, Ashley!

    1. Thank you! I'm a big fan of this author, so I'm sure I'll love it. :D

  3. Sign me up! I'd love to live on an island, especially if there are horses. :D

    1. Me too! It sounds like such a wonderful setting, doesn't it? :)
