Friday, August 30, 2024

Review: Come by Water: A Retelling of Tam Lin (Tales from Karneesia #2) by Claire Trella Hill

About the Book
“Why have you come to Carterhaugh?”

Seven years ago, after a mysterious fire and tragedy, Janet’s childhood friend Tam was presumed dead, leaving her desolate. Now of marriageable age, Janet asks her father for the ruined Lane family estate as a wedding dowry. But when she arrives on the water-soaked and blooming grounds of Carterhaugh, she encounters a man who looks eerily familiar. Stranger still, he insists the roses she tries to pick are his.

Janet discovers Tam Lane is not dead—he has been trapped by the Faefolk Queen of the Bog, destined for a horrible fate… unless Janet can muster her courage to save her best friend—and perhaps true love—from the clutches of the bog.

Come by Water is a closed door fantasy romance novella retelling of Tam Lin, perfect for fans of Robin McKinley and Juliet Marillier. It is the second in the Tales from Karneesia series, standalone novellas set in the world of the Karneesia Chronicles.


This was such a beautifully written story. It’s my first Tam Lin retelling, and I was completely enchanted by it. The rich descriptions made the story come to life.

I liked Janet. She’s exactly the kind of heroine I like to read about. Smart, fierce, and determined. Nothing could stop her once she set her heart on something.

This story might be on the shorter side, but it packed a big punch. I absolutely loved it and was sad when it ended. I’m a big fan of this author and am always eager for more from her.

I received a copy of this book and voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and comments are my honest opinion.



  1. Tam Lin is not a fairy tale I'm super familiar with...I know I've read/heard it, but I couldn't tell you any details from it. Glad this retelling ended up being so good. :D

    1. I wasn't familiar with Tam Lin either. I thought this was a good introduction to the story. :)
