Monday, June 10, 2024

Review: Cole and Laila Are Just Friends: A Love Story by Bethany Turner

About the Book
Cole and Laila have been inseparable since they could crawl. And they've never thought about each other that way. Except for when they have. Rarely. Once in a while, sure. But seriously . . . hardly ever.

Cole Kimball and Laila Olivet have been best friends their entire lives. Cole is the only person (apart from blood relatives) who's seen Laila in her oversized, pink, plastic, Sophia Loren glasses. Laila is always the first person to taste test any new dish Cole creates in his family's restaurant . . . even though she has the refined palate of a kindergartener. Most importantly, Cole and Laila are always talking. About everything.

When Cole discovers a betrayal from his recently deceased grandfather that shatters his world, staying in Adelaide Springs, Colorado, is suddenly unfathomable. But Laila loves her life in their small mountain town and can't imagine ever living anywhere else. She loves serving customers who tip her with a dozen fresh eggs. She loves living within walking distance of all her favorite people. And she's very much not okay with the idea of not being able to walk to her very favorite person.

Still, when Cole toys with moving across the country to New York City, she decides to support her best friend--even as she secretly hopes she can convince him to stay home. And not just for his killer chocolate chip pancakes. Because she loves him. As a friend. Just as a friend. Right?

They make a deal: Laila won't beg him to stay, and Cole won't try to convince her to come with him. They have one week in New York before their lives change forever, and all they have to do is enjoy their time together and pretend none of this is happening. But it's tough to ignore the very inconvenient feelings blooming out of nowhere. In both of them. And these potentially friendship-destroying feelings, once out in the open, have absolutely no take-backs.

If When Harry Met Sally had a quippy literary love child with Gilmore Girls' Luke and Lorelai, you'd get Cole and Laila. Just . . . don't tell them that.


This was a fun friends-to-more romance full of endearing characters, hilarious moments, pop culture references, a charming small town, and a big city adventure to boot. 

While I really enjoyed the prologue, I was never fully pulled into the story. Not to say that I didn't enjoy it. I did. I just felt a bit disconnected from what was going on. But that was probably just me and the mood I was in.

I genuinely cared about Cole and Laila and only wanted the best for them. (Which was each other, of course!) And I really enjoyed catching up with Brynn and Sebastian.

I absolutely adored the small town of Adelaide Springs. I wish it was a real town! I'd love to visit it!

There were a plethora of pop culture references, and while I usually enjoy that, there were so many that it kinda pulled me out of the story at times.

While this wasn’t one of my favorite Bethany Turner books, I still had a lot of fun reading it and look forward to her next one.

This is connected to Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other, but you don’t have to read that to enjoy this story.

I received a copy of this book and voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and comments are my honest opinion.



  1. Glad there were still things you liked about this one even though it wasn't her best. It does have a very cute cover.

    1. I love the cover too! It's so bright and cheery! :D

  2. Her books are always hit or miss with me. I read Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other and didn't love it. I didn't get most of the pop culture references. I want to love her books, but it is what it is, LOL.

    1. I really loved her first few books, and especially Hadley Beckett's Next Dish, but this series just hasn't grabbed me as much as much as I hoped it would. I think I might be outgrowing all these pop culture references. I used to love them, but I just kinda roll my eyes now. This might sound bad, but there's just not many celebrities I care about anymore.
