Monday, May 27, 2024

Review: Estuary (Oceans of Time #1) by Lisa T. Bergren

About the Book
Can a family bond stand the test of time?

Lady Tiliani Forelli is the epitome of the She-Wolves who raised her, an adept archer with a mind of her own. It is long past time for her to wed, but she deems each young lord who comes to bid for her hand lacking. With battles upon their border, and rumors of war growing louder on every front, Lady Forelli’s decision could secure her kingdom’s peace . . . or bring about its destruction.

Centuries later, history major Luciana Betarrini takes a summer job alongside her twin, Domenico, as a period actor at Castello Forelli in Italy. As incoming college seniors, this might be their last chance to spend meaningful time together, so she’s soaking up every minute. But when Nico's theory that their lost Betarrini relatives have traveled through time becomes potentially real—and they might be able to follow—Luci fears they’ll be forever divided.

In this new trilogy, author Lisa T. Bergren is extending the world originally created in her bestselling River of Time series.


I’m a huge fan of the original River of Time series. In fact, it’s the series that got me hooked on Christian Fiction in the first place. I was so excited when I heard about this new series. A little bit nervous too. How could it possibly live up to the original? I had no need to worry, though. This was another fantastic and thrilling trip back to medieval Italy.

I liked all the new characters. I’ll admit that I was a little suspicious of one of them, but I genuinely enjoyed getting to know all of them. And I loved seeing some old favorite characters. It was so nice to catch up with them!

There are two POVs: Luciana from the present and Tiliani from medieval times. I really enjoyed having two different perspectives. They both had distinct voices, so I had no trouble keeping them straight.

This book is good for old fans and new alike! It’s not a requirement to read the original series. It stands alone perfectly fine, but I'm sure you’ll be eager for another trip back to medieval Italy! I know I am!



  1. Glad this one didn't disappoint! And I hope you're having a wonderful Memorial Day. :D

    1. Thank you, Lark! I hope you had a great day! :D
