Monday, January 15, 2024

Review: I Am In Here by Creston Mapes

About the Book
"Little Do They Know, I Can See and Hear Everything!"

Eighteen-year-old Hale Frodele is presumed braindead from a tragic church bus accident in which he lost his younger brother, Nate.

Little does anyone know—Hale hears and understands everything with crystal clarity.

Hale remembers when his mom died at age 44 of pancreatic cancer and his dad turned his back on God.

Hale understands that the unbeliever his dad remarried whispers bitterly that Hale is ‘pitiful’ and ‘ruining’ her marriage.

Hale knows his father has borrowed a large sum of money from a deranged loan shark named Sebastian and the payback is due in 48 hours.

Hale believes in his best friend Gilbert, who still visits him weekly, prays for his healing, and is beginning to realize something is very wrong in the Frodele household.

Hale is in here . . . and he has a mind-blowing story to tell.


This was a unique, intriguing, and unputdownable thriller. It's the very definition of “page-turner." I was hooked from the first sentence to the last.

I liked Hale instantly. His narration was very engaging. I loved how strong his faith was. Despite everything he was going through, it never wavered. Talk about inspiring! I was glad he had a friend like Gilbert. His belief in Hale, his loyalty, and the way he still treated him so normally (unlike some other people) was so nice to see. On the other hand, Hale’s stepmom was a nightmare! Cruella de Vil was quite an apt nickname for her.

If you’re looking for an exciting and faith-filled thriller, grab a copy of this book. You won’t be disappointed.



  1. Writing a thriller centered around a character like Hale is very unique. I want to check this one out! I'm going to have to request it from my library and see if they'll buy a copy. :D

    1. I hope they'll buy a copy. I've never read a book like this before, but it was so good. It really made me think about people who are in Hale's position.
