Thursday, November 23, 2023

Book Beginnings, First Line Friday, & Friday 56: The Retribution of Eden Pruitt (The Eden Pruitt Series #4) by K.E. Ganshert

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. I'm also linking up with Carrie at Reading is My Superpower for First Line Friday. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice and asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your ereader and share a non-spoilery sentence or two. Freda is taking a hiatus right now, but Anne over at My Head is Full of Books has taken over until Freda returns.

This week I'm featuring The Retribution of Eden Pruitt (The Eden Pruitt Series #4) by K.E. Ganshert. Oh my goodness, this conclusion is a wild and exciting ride! I'm enjoying it so much! 

About the Book

America is in peril. The public is being deceived. The enemy grows more powerful by the day. And Eden’s plans horrendously backfired.

Now she’s locked up with a hostile soldier whose upbringing couldn’t be more different from her own. And whose loyalty could change everything. She sets out to win his trust, prove herself to the Resistance, and somehow, make amends with Cassian. If there’s any hope of vanquishing the adversary, they must set aside their grievances and come together as one.

Join Eden and her crew as they fight to save the world in this final, sensational installment of The Eden Pruitt Series, where allegiances are tested, sacrifices are necessary, and the action never stops.

Book Beginnings / First Line Friday
Before the hatch opened, before the giant climbed down the ladder with a girl slung over his shoulder, Tycho - first-born of the Electus - was having a dream. A wonderful, beautiful dream. He wasn't in captivity, being poisoned by the enemy. He was diving off the dock into the harbor on a hot summer day. His powers had just come in. He was the first of his kin to receive them. Intoxicating strength. Thrilling speed. Incomprehensible reflexes. He was showing off, and Aurelia was amazed. Enraptured. Soon, her powers would come, too. The promise made her giddy.

Friday 56
The last time Cass had celebrated Thanksgiving, he was twelve.

What have you been reading lately?


  1. It sounds like something else! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Wonderful Friday56 quote. The timing was perfect. Hope your day of eating was wonderful!

    1. I couldn't pass up posting that quote for the 56. It seemed too perfect. Hope you have a great weekend, Anne! :)

  3. I like her books but I have not read this series.

    1. It's a lot different than her other books, but I think it's my favorite. It's so good. :)
