Thursday, November 30, 2023

Book Beginnings, First Line Friday, & Friday 56: Be the Serpent (October Daye Book 16) by Seanan McGuire

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. I'm also linking up with Carrie at Reading is My Superpower for First Line Friday. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice and asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your ereader and share a non-spoilery sentence or two. Freda is taking a hiatus right now, but Anne over at My Head is Full of Books has taken over until Freda returns.

This week I'm featuring Be the Serpent (October Daye Book 16) by Seanan McGuire. Sixteen books into this series and it's still so good! This book has some mind-blowing revelations that are sure to change everything! 

About the Book
October Daye is finally something she never expected to be: married. All the trials and turmoils and terrors of a hero’s life have done very little to prepare her for the expectation that she will actually share her life with someone else, the good parts and the bad ones alike, not just allow them to dabble around the edges in the things she wants to share. But with an official break from hero duties from the Queen in the Mists, and her family wholly on board with this new version of “normal,” she’s doing her best to adjust.

It isn’t always easy, but she’s a hero, right? She’s done harder.

Until an old friend and ally turns out to have been an enemy in disguise for this entire time, and October’s brief respite turns into a battle for her life, her community, and everything she has ever believed to be true.

The debts of the Broken Ride are coming due, and whether she incurred them or not, she’s going to be the one who has to pay.

Book Beginnings / First Line Friday
It had been a normal night melting into a normal morning. Then the sun had glinted off the pond and the world had twisted around me, going from clear, comforting sameness to chaotic murkiness as the water that was my natural environment suddenly and convulsively rejected me.

Friday 56
Tybalt watched me go. When I looked back, one last time, he mouthed exaggeratedly, "Be careful."

What have you been reading lately?


  1. I really like the opening lines. It really sets the scene well.

    1. I thought so too. It really pulled me in. Hope you have a great weekend, Anne! :)

  2. I need to get caught up on this series - I didn't realize there were so many!

    1. Right? I can't believe we're 16 (well, 18 now that two new books were released this year) books into the series and it's still going strong. Hope you have a great weekend! :)
