Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday: Tracking Tilly: The Little Red Truck Mysteries #1 by Janice Thompson

Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights and discusses the books we're excited about that we've yet to read. Generally, they're books that are yet to be released. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

This week I'm featuring Tracking Tilly: The Little Red Truck Mysteries #1 by Janice Thompson releasing July 15.

About the Book
Who Stole Tilly from the Auction Block?

Breathe in the nostalgia of everything old red truck in book one of a new cozy mystery series.

The Hadley family ranch is struggling, so RaeLyn, her parents, and brothers decide to turn the old barn into an antique store. The only thing missing to go with the marketing of the store is Grandpa’s old red truck, Tilly, that was sold several years ago. Now coming back up on the auction block, Tilly would need a lot of work, but RaeLyn is sure it will be worth it—if only she can beat out other bidders and find out who stole Tilly after the auction ends. Hadley finds herself in the role of amateur sleuth, and the outcome could make or break the new family venture.

What upcoming release are you eagerly awaiting?


  1. Sounds cute. I like that the premise isn't about the amateur sleuth main character tracking down a killer, but rather trying to figure out who stole her grandpa's old red truck.

    1. That's one of the things that initially drew me to this book. I love a good murder mystery, but it's nice to find one that's a little on the lighter side. :)

  2. I love these old red trucks. My father used to have a similar one when I was growing up as he collected antique vehicles. I always wanted that truck and wish I had it now. Definitely adding this to the wish list.

    1. These red trucks are so iconic. I hope you're able to find that truck. :)

  3. I love that cover with the little dog sitting in the truck. :-) This sounds like a fun cozy! I hope you enjoy it when you read it, Ashley!

    1. Thank you! It's such a cute little dog, isn't it? :)

  4. Oooh! This looks like a cute read! Great pick!

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