Thursday, October 3, 2024

Book Beginnings, First Line Friday, & Friday 56: Christmas at Sugar Plum Manor by Roseanna M. White

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. I'm also linking up with Carrie at Reading is My Superpower for First Line Friday. Friday 56 asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your ereader and share a non-spoilery sentence or two. It was started by Freda at Freda's Voice, but Anne over at My Head is Full of Books has taken over for the time being.

This week I'm featuring Christmas at Sugar Plum Manor by Roseanna M. White

About the Book
The Nutcracker and Edwardian-Era England combine to weave a magical tale of love and friendship at Christmastime.

As the beloved stepdaughter of the Earl of Castleton, Lady Mariah Lyons cherishes her home at Plumford Manor, but her idyllic world will be threatened when the estate passes to Cyril Lightbourne, a childhood friend she hasn't seen or heard from in years. Once, Mariah dreamed their friendship would kindle into something more, but that was before she heard Cyril was courting the cruelhearted Lady Pearl. Now Mariah is willing to welcome him as a friend and pray he will be the heir her stepfather needs, but she'll keep her heart locked safely away from anyone with such poor taste.

Cyril Lightbourne has long avoided returning to Plumford Manor, yet he reluctantly arrives in time for Christmas. When his friendship with Lady Mariah reignites, he finds himself caught between his affection for her and her family's misunderstanding of his attachment to Lady Pearl. Then, more trouble arrives in the form of a Danish lord on a mission to win Mariah's hand by Christmas. Will the magic of the holiday season help lead to the discovery of true love, or will duty to country leave all longing for what could have been?

Book Beginnings / First Line Friday
Feeling ever so sneaky, Lady Mariah Lyons eased into the bustle of the kitchen, a smile barely contained by her lips.

Friday 56
Couldn't she tamp the enthusiasm down a bit? Mornings and rambunctious greetings didn't mesh.

What have you been reading lately?


  1. It's getting to that time of year, isn't it!

    1. It is! It'll be here before we know it! Hope you have a great week, Lauren! :)

  2. Such great lines! I'm looking forward to reading this one in December. :D

    1. I hope you enjoy it, Lark! It's such a whimsical story. I loved it. Hope you have an awesome week! :)

  3. Replies
    1. It was such a sweet story. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great week, Hena! :)
