Monday, September 9, 2024

Goodreads TBR Cleanup #1

I saw this meme over on Dark Shelf of Wonders and thought it was such a neat idea, so I wanted to give it a try. 

How It Works:
  • Go to your Goodreads want-to-read shelf.
  • Ask Siri to pick a number between 1 and however many books are on the list.
  • Go to that book and look at it and the 4 after it, for a total of 5.
  • Read the synopses of the books.
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Discuss here.
Original Creator: Mega Bunny Reads

The number I got was 3140 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 (I have a ridiculous amount of books on my TBR list. To be fair, there are a lot that I just put on there because I wanted to read them, not because I own them. And, also, there are a lot of Kindle Freebies.)


Mayor Kane: My Life in Wrestling and Politics by Glenn Jacobs

I'm a pro wrestling fan and have always liked Kane. His transition from wrestling into politics is very interesting.

Time travel has always fascinated me, so, of course, I'm drawn to books featuring it. This one sounds really interesting, especially since it seems like one of the characters messes up the timeline which causes major trouble! I'm curious if things can be fixed.



Wait! I haven't read this one?! How did I completely miss it? I'm a big fan of this author and loved the first book and the series that came after this one. I guess I'm gonna have to try to remember to read this soon. 



I have no recollection of this one. It looks like it's one of those Kindle Freebies. It sounds interesting, but I don't think I'm keeping this one.

VERDICT: Toss it


I usually enjoy these kinds of multiauthor collections. This one sounds like a lot of fun and it has a story by one of my favorite authors.


I only tossed one, but every little bit helps. This was a lot of fun and I definitely want to do this again. Have you read any of these books? Would you keep them or toss them?


  1. This is a fun idea. I should try it with my own TBR list. (Though mine is not nearly as long as yours.) And hey, you managed to take one title off. That's progress. Are you going to do it again?

    1. I'd like to do it again. I was thinking about trying to do it at least once a month, maybe twice a month. It was fun. :D

  2. That is fun. I am a declutterer so just like my home I am always decluttering my TBR list as well. Not books I own but books I'd like to read one day. I

    1. I tend to hold onto things for too long and have a hard time letting those things go, so I think that's why my TBR list is so out of control. :D
