Monday, August 19, 2024

Review: In This Moment (Timeless #2) by Gabrielle Meyer

About the Book
Maggie inherited a gift from her time-crossing parents that allows her to live three separate lives in 1861, 1941, and 2001. Each night she goes to sleep in one time period and wakes up in another. Until, that is, she turns twenty-one, when she will have to forfeit two of those lives--and everyone she knows in them--forever.

In 1861, Maggie is the daughter of an influential senator at the outbreak of the Civil War, navigating a capital full of Southern spies and wounded soldiers. In 1941, she is a Navy nurse, grappling with her knowledge of the future when she's asked to join a hospital ship being sent to Pearl Harbor. And in 2001, she's a brilliant young medical student, fulfilling her dream of becoming a surgeon, yet unable to use her modern skills in her other paths.

While Maggie has sworn off romance until she makes her final choice, an intriguing man tugs at her heart in each era. The mysterious British gentleman. The prickly, demanding doctor. The charming young congressman. She's drawn to each man in different ways, only complicating the impossible decision she must make, which looms ever closer.

With so much on the line, how can Maggie choose just one life to keep and the rest to lose?


I absolutely loved the first book in this series, so I was very eager to pick up this sequel! It was so good and just as unique and fascinating as book one.

Maggie lives in three different times: 1861, 1941, and 2001. On her 21st birthday, she has to choose which time to stay in. Forever. What a hard decision! She had three fantastic lives, so I didn’t know how she’d choose! I can’t even imagine how hard it had to be to keep everything straight, but Maggie did it with aplomb and grace.

In 1861, America is on the cusp of the Civil War. And as a senator’s daughter, she’s right in the thick of things. In 1941, America is on the brink of entering WWII, and Maggie and her sister are nurse recruits for the US Navy. In 2001, Maggie’s in medical school and living a relatively peaceful life, the most peaceful of her three lives. But the peaceful world she's used to will change forever.

While I enjoyed all three timelines, I was more invested in 1941 and 2001. I’ve always loved books set during WWII, and it was really interesting to relive 2001. Plus, I’ve just never really been drawn to Civil War stories. But, I will say, this one was good.

This book was an emotional roller coaster. I was happy, sad, heartbroken, and full of joy. I don't want to say too much, but there was one thing that happened that completely rocked me to my core. My goodness, I was not prepared! But, all in all, I enjoyed this story and look forward to the next one.



  1. Do you know how many books there are going to be in this series?

    1. I think there's supposed to be seven. Book four comes out in November.

  2. What a fascinating concept for a series! Maggie’s journey through three different eras sounds both thrilling and emotionally intense. It must be incredibly challenging for her to balance these lives and make such a significant choice. I’m glad to hear the sequel lived up to your expectations and provided such a compelling read!

    Invited to read my new style post:(

    1. Thank you. It was such a great story. I'm eager for the next book! :)
