Thursday, June 13, 2024

Book Beginnings, First Line Friday, & Friday 56: The End of the Road (True Crime Junkies #6) by Christy Barritt

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. I'm also linking up with Carrie at Reading is My Superpower for First Line Friday. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice and asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your ereader and share a non-spoilery sentence or two. Freda is taking a hiatus right now, but Anne over at My Head is Full of Books has taken over in the meantime.

This week I'm featuring The End of the Road (True Crime Junkies #6) by Christy Barritt

About the Book
With the future of the Arctic Circle Murder Club teetering on rocky ground, the team members have scattered. But it’s not long before they realize some bonds can’t be broken.

Fearing an adversary from her past will find her, Simmy Samuels runs, determined to find a new place to hide. But Ranger Garrett isn’t about to leave Simmy out in the cold and alone. He’s determined to both protect Simmy and to search for his daughter, whom he thought was dead.

As Ranger and Simmy set out to find his little girl, danger follows them into the vast wilderness of Alaska. Challenges meet them at every turn: unyielding danger, truth that feels more like fiction, and reality blurred by deception.

Will they survive long enough to set things right? Or will this be the end of the road for the murder club?

Book Beginnings / First Line Friday
Charlotte Watkins paused outside the glossy black door and suddenly second-guessed herself.
Was this really what she wanted to do?

Friday 56
As his eyes adjusted to the dark room, he braced himself for whatever he'd find on the other side. 

What have you been reading lately?


  1. I know that experience of walking around determined to do something, if I could only remember what it was! Ha!

    I just returned after being out of the country for two weeks and leaving Friday56 on auto-pilot. Thanks for being a loyal participant!

    1. I know that feeling very well too! I'm glad you're back! Hope you have a great week! :)

  2. I would have to brace myself for whatever I'd find on the other side.

  3. I've got to read this series! Every book in it just sounds so good.

    1. It's so good, Lark! One of my favorite series by Barritt. Hope you have a wonderful week! :)

  4. What is on the other side? I want to know too! Thank you for sharing, Ashley! Have a great weekend!

  5. Happy Saturday!
    I'm currently reading Somebody to Lean On by Jess Mastorakos. It's SO cute! Definitely recommend this story.
    "It was like the town of Charlotte Oaks bred hot first responders the same way some of its residents bred pigs or cows or something."
    I hope you have an excellent weekend! 😊❤️📚

    1. This sounds great! Another one to add to my wishlist. Hope you have a lovely week! :)
