Thursday, May 30, 2024

Review: No Man Left Behind (The Worlds Behind #5) by W.R. Gingell

About the Book
Revenge. Restoration. Romance. A few deadly wishes.

The Glass Elder wants wishes. Three, to be exact. Athelas wants a way in, and those wishes may well be that way—but giving the Elder what he wants means putting Camellia in harm’s way. It also means that YeoWoo will have to choose between trusting Athelas one last time, and taking a bite at suddenly hot revenge that could swiftly go cold if she misses her chance.

Now that revenge is within reach of her teeth, will YeoWoo manage to tear out one last, bloody heart? Can Athelas put aside his own ends for long enough to protect all those dearest to him from threats outside—and from himself?

Can a family that began in blood survive one too many wishes and a far-too-wily Elder, or will the world as they know it fall apart into the chaos of wishes-gone-wrong?


I'm sad to see this series end, but what a perfect conclusion! I’ve loved getting to know Athelas better and seeing different sides to him. And I’ve especially loved seeing the growth he's experienced. His road to redemption has been rocky at times, but what a remarkable journey it’s been!

This is one of the best “endings” I’ve ever read. Goodness, it was so emotional, but absolute perfection. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it again. Needless to say, I loved it!

This is not a standalone. I’d recommend starting with the City Between series since they’re so interconnected. If you’re a fan of twisty urban fantasy, you’ll be hooked!



  1. I'm glad this series was wrapped up so well. Though it is always sad when a favorite series comes to an end.

    1. That's so true. I'm happy it ended so well, but I'm sad to say goodbye to these characters. :)

  2. It's always tough to see a series end, but it sounds like this one is a fitting conclusion to Althea's journey!

    1. Definitely! It was so awesome to watch Athelas' road to redemption. :)
