Thursday, May 23, 2024

Book Beginnings, First Line Friday, & Friday 56: No Man Left Behind (The Worlds Behind #5) by W.R. Gingell

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. I'm also linking up with Carrie at Reading is My Superpower for First Line Friday. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice and asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your ereader and share a non-spoilery sentence or two. Freda is taking a hiatus right now, but Anne over at My Head is Full of Books has taken over in the meantime.

This week I'm featuring No Man Left Behind (The Worlds Behind #5) by W.R. Gingell. This is the last book in the series and oh my goodness! What an ending! 

About the Book
Revenge. Restoration. Romance. A few deadly wishes.

The Glass Elder wants wishes. Three, to be exact. Athelas wants a way in, and those wishes may well be that way—but giving the Elder what he wants means putting Camellia in harm’s way. It also means that YeoWoo will have to choose between trusting Athelas one last time, and taking a bite at suddenly hot revenge that could swiftly go cold if she misses her chance.

Now that revenge is within reach of her teeth, will YeoWoo manage to tear out one last, bloody heart? Can Athelas put aside his own ends for long enough to protect all those dearest to him from threats outside—and from himself?

Can a family that began in blood survive one too many wishes and a far-too-wily Elder, or will the world as they know it fall apart into the chaos of wishes-gone-wrong?

Book Beginnings / First Line Friday
"You are certainly an agent of chaos," Athelas said, quite calmly.

Friday 56
"Can you deal with thirty enforcers?" she asked. "Because I can see them, now. They're coming along the second road from Jaegung office, and they look like a mob."

What have you been reading lately?


  1. Those quotes make the book sound good. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. Thank you, Mark! It was the perfect ending to this series. :)

  2. Love that green in the color palette. Happy Friday!

  3. haha that first line makes me laugh, I know its the last in a series but now I'm curious about who is an agent of chaos! that's certainly an intriguing start!

    1. It's such a fun and twisty series! I've loved it so much! :)

  4. Love those two quotes! This one sounds very fun.

    1. It's a ton of fun. I'm sad the series is over, but I couldn't have asked for a better ending. :)

  5. I just finished Whoopi Goldberg's latest memoir, and now I'm kicking off the summer reading season with John Grisham's latest. It is a good time to be a reader!

    1. I agree! There are so many great books! Now, if only we could find more time to read them all! :D
