Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday: The Chaos Grid by Lyndsey Lewellen

Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights and discusses the books we're excited about that we've yet to read. Generally, they're books that are yet to be released. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

This week I'm featuring The Chaos Grid by Lyndsey Lewellen releasing April 9.

About the Book
Cross the grid. Survive the storms. Let your destiny burn.

When mankind’s attempts to control nature backfire, Texas descends into a wasteland. Storms rage and ravenous beasts roam the Outer Grid. The only safe havens rest inside the tech-obsessed domed cities. But when her parents are murdered inside the Plex City dome, seventeen-year-old Juniper Conway wants revenge.

Ties to her extended family threaten to pull her back as she runs from city to city. The Plex is endangering its citizens by legalizing a deadly nano drug, and Juniper’s family needs her help to deliver the counteragent. Saving the city who orphaned her goes against everything she stands for. The only way out is to brave the wasteland.

Juniper joins a shipping crew fearless enough to transport food across the Outer Grid. But when a string of bad luck turns lethal, she fears something, or someone, is dragging her back to the Plex. As her world sinks into chaos, Juniper must decide if revenge is worth the lives of the crew she has come to love.

What upcoming release are you eagerly awaiting?


  1. Not something I would normally gravitate towards but after seeing and reading the synopsis, consider me interested!

  2. I'm not in the place to read such post-apocalyptic adventures atm - but this one sounds like a gripping read. I hope you enjoy it:)).

  3. This sounds exciting! I hope you enjoy The Chaos Grid when you read it, Ashley!
